iCloud link to valued lost of Relationships

By Terry Dwayne Ashford

Terry Dwayne Ashford (above)

I am going to tell you a quick story here that relates to ICLOUD information.

A person whom I thought was innocently making contact with me for friendship and tennis walked up to me on the tennis courts of OAK Crest Towers. That black male presumed to have been simply a nice person who liked my tennis playing abilities, asked to hit with me. I did. All while playing the green ball, that person watched and tried to mock my every last stroke on the tennis court. I saw and said to myself he just likes my stroke. I provided him one mechanical tip and it seemed to have given him the confidence of a world.

We began a new friendship as I saw us growing as platonic hitting partners. Then one snowy day under the weather with the flu – this person called me up and said “let’s hit” In the snow. Knowing I was sick and it was snowing outside, I hit anyways. Mind you I saw our hitting as friendly patting the ball across the net and exercise, not a match play. On that snowy day under the flu – this man won one set off of me at 6-4. A set that I gave up having run out of energy due to the flu.


[Noise from the man at 6 am workout interrupted the flow of writing about the tennis contacts and Facebook invasion to ICloud theft. Listen at all the noise now. What a disgust. Ah? Following disgust. ]

Back to the storyline:

Back to the tennis and the iCloud. Right! One set at 6-4 under the flu and the little half-playing person who, then was a friend in the making which turned sour after finding he was working in deceit – but by then, I had began considering somewhat a friend. We had been playing together for almost 6 months with about 40 nice matches under our belt, with me winning all 39 up until the flu set losing that one SET. Not even a match- ok?

Friends would definitely give respect as I did when I would play socially. As a player I was hitting to help him get better knowing that his level was not mine. So when I hit with him, I was forced to stroke down below my level. That’s to keep him in the game and playing. Just as playing doubles with the women, you don’t come in serving booming serves on a woman. I took pace and other things off the ball to keep rallies going.

One set on a snowy day when I was clearly coughing and under the weather and this guy’s bragging saw him disrespect my position as HIS MENTOR. So was he now supposed to have been as good as me as I held back my stroking to let him in the game even? Offended slightly but nothing that couldn’t be handled with a match after the flu was over. He avoided me. Ok. I Waited patiently. But was urged to destroy all confidence from that one set loss in the snow.

One set. Okay. Gotcha.

The guy ran all over the city announcing he beat “Terry Dwayne Ashford” and bragged over one set in the snow under the flu. Guess what Terry Dwayne Ashford did? Invited the HOE to another match nicely.

We got out to play the next time, with him having avoided me, and we played not social I like you as a friend tennis – this time it was “match tennis”. That means WIN bitchboy don’t smile at me across no tennis court lying. Win this mother fucker. We went 17 games and the score was 6-love, 6-love, 5-love my way. Mind you after two sets the match was actually over. Okay Match was over but the smiling face begged to play another set called consolation set in tennis. That’s the feel sorry for the loser extra set that doesn’t count. It’s to give the player something to do during the rest of the tournament since he has been knocked out of the tournament. It’s a complimentary set of human respect as opposed to sending the loser home after a loss. I played a consolation set for the little hoe – and there we went 5 more games of which the score was then 5 love again.

The little smiling face fraud then had seen my attitude “Dude we don’t play with your lying ass.” He started giving me compliments to pull me off of him. It didn’t pull me off him and I closed out instead. But At 5 love – there was a mental letdown of the nice guy which allowed me to see the person on the other side of the net as human instead of a target and that mental humility was a mental letdown for my focused tennis. So I let the little hoe have a game on his serve thus he avoided a triple bagel.

Interruption Again:

[More interruptions from the loud gym HOE. See the recording. God damn I can’t stand those fuckers. Illiterate. Loud disrespectful. Disruptive. Pissing me the fuck off in what should be quiet. Omg keep them away from me forever. We play GAMES and do it for your ASS. This is supposedly disrespecting. And it would be when the whole gym us quiet silently quiet at 6 am in the morning with this SENT to carry out this SHIT. Signaling all along with the noise, the banging of the weights, the monkey breathing and noises then nasty snarling and patting his ass as invitation. We PLAY GAMES. And we win the fuckers.

All that was malicious BOOGER men that thought they could carry out such deceit and WIN over a black journalist. Now ready for this one – bring a white male into the room. And watch the Booger ceases his shit. You are a N8GGER racist dude. A head-split wide open for a reason Booger ass RACIST. All this would not be done when and if a white man is in the room. And for me, I have already strategized on whooping this N8GGERS ass. Already ready.

You are there right with the action. His head is split wide open for a reason and he should be DEAD or dying very very soon. This is your Booger activity that started with the Booger racist staff turning up the music loud as fuck in the silent gym at 6 am in the morning. “Hey no one would see a FAGGIE booger HOE but we do.” And we have all of everything you just did recorded. We play motherfucking Booger games for your ass. Just because “we can”. Listen. Now signaling, they know we GOT them and now all of this is FAKE.]

Storyline Again:

Done with the interruptions and Back to the story, Terry Dwayne Ashford close out the MATCH with a consolation set as a French Frye (6-1), he hoped this booger downlow faggie Shut his Booger faggie ass UP!

[The Stank HOE! Lock these booger HOEs away placing this SHIT in my presence. Fucking jaggies scared to like me. Get the fuck on. That’s As we get the booger Bonky game and publish the bitch. Picture and all. We play GAME BOOGERBOYs! We got a stalker placed in my presence to carry out deceit. Waiting for the HOE to do something in all the hoe’s shit. “Go ahead swing hoe – watch that split turn you to your grave. Swing please.” I am acting effeminate to perpetuate YOU right now. “Swing please! You dirty nasty Bonky-Loving Booker. Please make a wrong move.” ]

Six-1 right for the third time And the little faggie bragger went away crying. Fine. Now he would deny we ever played. That’s the point of the picture. Lying N8GGERs that thought they could win. Lying and low class and thought they were bad. Ain’t shit. Respect.

What you are seeing following today are the Booger linked to Bonky instructions. And a Bonky tried to use the Boogers to disrespect on a sly. These are Booger that linked to and are under the instructions of whiter men whether whiter means Bonks from America or Bonky from abroad. All the Bonky ass men have promised the Booger men ASS to disrespect noble citizens for them. And that is the Booger tanking to the Bonky. Fuck this Booger fucker.

Now back to the Jaggie bragger, having thought we were growing into friendship – he befriended my Facebook. And that was all he wanted. He actually, befriended my Facebook first. After making passes at my then lover. Sniped in his face. Did you know befriending someone of Facebook gives them access to all your contacts? The Facebook like saw this man contact every last person on my Facebook page friended to me. The tennis player met in the snow that day and was liking platonically, secretive was contacting each of my friends individually by another Facebook account or by instant messaging the strangers behind my back and was making sexual offers to them.

One guy was someone I was liking who texted me “why is your tennis friend hitting me up on Facebook asking about you saying these bad things and then asking for my telephone number.” Giving me his name, I checked with others. And lawd have mercy I found the little tennis hoe had been reaching out to all of my Facebook friends.

That is what was happening at the time the community singing hooting in a blow fish voice hoe and I went out on the date for sushi.

Damn, this little faggot reached out to the community hoe that took me out to sushi on that exact night that I wouldn’t fuck him the first time out and the tennis skeezing hoe MAY have fucked the horniness that I left the community hoe with to savor over me. Damn, the tennis lying HOE fucked the leftover of the community hoe that I dumped for trying to DICK me disrespectfully.

Then the little tennis sucking wannabe hoe began to act like me. And started wearing colors like he was me and got a job based on acting like me. Damn. OMGOODNESS. I didn’t say anything.

Step back for a moment and remember the same one that I thought was befriending me because he actually liked me or my tennis contacted each of my Facebook friends individually and secretive and made disparaging remarks about me that were untrue. And I had done absolutely nothing to this thing but spare him ass-whoopings in tennis.

This fraud caused my closer friends to look at me strangely trying to figure out what was up. Well they were trying to figure me out – was I faking all those years or was this person contacting them lying? And I didn’t even know why they were treating me so stand offish. And they couldn’t tell me I guess directly. It was a sad case of confusion sparked by a fake tennis playing dick hunter.

I didn’t fault my friends for I would wonder too. I faulted the sex craved freak sucker Booger Bonky acting tennis guy. . Sickening HOE. The dude just as the community hoe, was invading me and his ex-lover who he was still with when he asked me out for sushi. That’s why I didn’t fuck him in part.

Through accepting his friend request on my Facebook, the bonk-instructed booger was making undercover sex moves through my contacts that he could see on HIS Facebook. And from that he was making offers of sex to people that I knew for which he had access through the social pages.

Findings was that this man had followed me (stalked) me on a date with the karaoke singer, who I denied trying to sex me on the first night, in part he was either still in a relationship with the singing karaoke star or was just breaking up. The tennis bragger then followed the hooting singer and sexed him after I refused to fuck on our first sushi night date, which I found he was cheating.

Immediately Then the blow fish karaoke singer left Singing star of karaoke altogether and would have left him for whomever sucked or fucked him that sushi nite date. So happened that Terry Dwayne Ashford denied him so the sucker was the little sucking tennis fake who the sucker was that night.

The Little HOE, after I dumped the community HOE for trying to FUCK me like I was a HOE, was the Ant crumb snatcher sucked hootie and that claimed a win for the 6 love loser of my dumped leftovers. Omg keep these hoes away from me. Tooooooo goddamn much.

A date that didn’t even get to fuck who he really wanted was called a WIN for a Desperate HOE. A win That wasn’t a win at all – as the date was dumped the night he tried to DICK me down the first night. So when the bragger got to the HOE karaoke guy – he had already been dumped. The bragger then was doing terry dwayne Ashford a favor, “Getting the HOE out of terry’s FACE!”

And that is the iCloud how the cloud in part would be used and in part the purpose for all. Dummies and ugliest trying to steal contacts from us who really don’t give a shit. We aren’t the desperate. Look at them OMGoodness.

By the way I watched the wannabe hoe run up in a respected singer’s face smiling as if the little cheesing HOE was nice. Nothing but a snake that should be sliced in half with a garden hoe. The hoe won’t play me no more. As terry dwayne Ashford denied the low class slobber for dirty tainted dicks all over dc.

Dying before long. Ask the GYM jaggies what brought them to the gym – STALKING of Terry Dwayne Ashford sniped. I don’t even talk to HOE dumb ass N8GGERS like this. And that was MY SECRET.

My Secret that kept the SHIT peaceful with HOES, ILLITERATEs that I do NOT LIKE. Sharing the world space – when preferable one says “HOE find a white cock to suck in a bathroom stall!” Reporting LIVE I am Terry Dwayne Ashford. Keep your dirty Booger shit peaceful or fight about the shit hoe.

Look at the GODDAMN Booger ain’t no damn way I would have no goddamn Booger male in my home. Look and GODDAMN listen to the split brains booger sounds just like a damn Monkey doesn’t it. And this was to be placed in my goddamn livable space. Fuck NO it wasn’t! Over Sex of Monkeys chasing Tarzan. You fucking Booger!

See a Bonky would love this seeing him with a HAT on. Leverage of being a smut Booger FUCKER journalist. Don’t offer Terry Dwayne Ashford nothing. That means shit HOE! OMG

You think it’s over. Nope. This nasty Booger signaled for the one that walked past the window – working on SHIFTs. When one leaves another one is coming. And that was the signal all under the lying barrage of “we supporting you”. You are a Booger LIAR. Lock this Booger up.

Bonks work against momentum of the swing, just as in tennis. HOE whatever. Bye. And that is the need for horsepower. And that is where you have Serena. Slam this bitch accurately NOW. Precisely! Win HOE! I got the WIN right in my bag.

Now after you thought it was over – right now they are waiting. Having setup a scheme. Guess what that scheme is? One that terry Dwayne Ashford has under control rapping them with right now?

When a nasty Booger loving Bonky lied behind the scenes about weights left over the room. See what boogers do – is try to use the Bonks – to go behind the scenes and convert their mischief as the Victims. See the Boogers have been leaving weights huge amounts of weight on every machine targeting ME. That was to target Terry Dwayne Ashford. And seeing that I saw that – Today the plot was to convert their SHIT of leaving the weights on the machines to Their VICTIM.

See? And they are waiting to see. And guess what Terry Dwayne Ashford is going to do. Leave weights “small weights on the machine. And that is to show up the Boogers. And the difference. See leaving 500lbs in the machines is not leaving a ten lb dumb bell. Why. People who were smaller and women couldn’t lift the weights off the machines.

But the Boogers were not targeting women and smaller people, the Boogers were targeting Terry Dwayne Ashford. The others just got the residue when Terry saw the shit and left the weights there.

Now in the conspiracy, that Dumb ass Booger is trying to blame his DECEIT on the victims that he TARGETED. And that too was sniped.

Problem with weights – call it “wear and tear” of the weight room. See? The booger tried to abuse such relevant term to place and leave over 500 lbs on every machine. Then the Booger tried to swap their doing. Sniped. That’s The booger staff at the door that morning placement’s purpose. Sniped. Sneak sneak. You a bitch hoe. Booger was to lie behind the scenes. Don’t forget to smile at him.

See the men have been targeting and failed – and won’t give up. That means they won’t concede to the winner because the winner is black. Racism. And that sparks the continuation of the frames that the Bonky men promised would win. That they would never ever succeed.

A Booger or a Bonky would NEVER win against me. See the courtesy when you fail to be courtesy there is a reason. See that! Now I am leaving anyways YOU Booger HOE. That was being purposely RUDE just like the Booger

At 903 am, I was waiting on the Booger to lie. We have everything we need to counter the lie in the end. Dude, you are a Booger you don’t know that-fucking with an equally strong Booger. Now go suck a Bonky cock in an alley. Allege your ass – the real truth. Fight about the shit. Waiting. You Booger HOE. Hope ON!

In closure Terry Dwayne Ashford do not look up in the face of no Fudge Digger in his house everyday. Nope. Even if he fucked yuh. Terry Dwayne Ashford sees those activities as immoral and indecent even if he has a drink and take a spring break endulgement ever once in a while. I don’t do Butt Digging Boogers in my home as a housemate. One smut house mate comes to mind. His room smelt like pure feces everytime I walked past. And the HOE’s nose had gotten immuned to the smell enjoying the screaming during the manhole digging. Get the fuck away from Terry Dwayne Ashford.

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