Who Are The Murdering Criminals; You Are Smart Enough, You Decide!

By Terry Dwayne Ashford, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY

Reported by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford (above) as we expect falsification in even reporting who the actual reporter is! InDaCarSeat DaTGuY right HERE (click the image for the video reporting by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford)

When without InDaCarSeat DaTGuY or Terry Dwayne Ashford and especially without Wilma Greenwood Ashford In American journalism: you would not have seen enough of the crimes to even have known! You are smart enough to ascertain truth when you CAN see it, who are the Murdering Criminals of the crimes that have the very same ones protecting you from? Ahhhhhhhhh?

Is This A Fight – Tag DC 8144 DC Detective? Ahhhhhhhhhh we have the photograph (click this image right here,

Now you tell us who are the murderers, killers and criminals of the earth, when the Best thing is to keep criminals and the crime ways away from you. When the smiles in the faces of innocent peace minded individuals are targeted for their values based on racial tensions hidden by even the police.

When we have images of the police right attached to this article for you. At 545 a.m. woke up to a black lady this time running through the dark wearing a pink top red faded into maroon bottoms, white tennis shoes and braids in dark skin. Ran into the darkness under the dimmest possible lighting of the silence of the morning of an innocent person.

Click here for the AshfordliveTALK Broadcast by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford.

Without journalism you, YEAP You, would have under the notion of the authorizing protective forces called police, you would have been led to believe that the innocent peace minded ones are the criminals. Without journalism you would have believed that. Without journalism you would have been intentionally deceived by even POLICE.

The photos, of police officers; which I was going to USE ONLY as legal protection to me in court when I was forced to take even a police officer’s head off his shoulders in defense, would not have surfaced. The very criminals, police I alleged, tried to intimidate to keep even legally blinded righteous journalistic photos from YOU.

Proof? Shepard Park Library, a Hispanic lady cop, a dark skinned black male cop named Butler, a planted newly hired white male disease infested manager of the library and dismissal of prior chief of security named Volz supporting Africa and library editing criminalized staff Casey and “Will” and a slew of other staffers, trafficking sex in the face of every patron that walked through the doors of the library, that library in Shepard Park was trafficking sex which is illegally considered Human Trafficking, plus altogether- the fuckers tried to USE POLICE in a N8gger officer and a SP7CK prior hotel cleaning lady – to commit another crime against America.

That crime – dear Officers- is “Censorship if Reporting” and “Badgering witnesses” to the crimes of prostitution. Do we CARE why, officers – should we even CARE, about your justifications when YOU appear so deeply to be the CRIMES? No from legal standpoint or journalistic – we don’t CARE about your “Why” you have chosen to override police oath to the community.

The point this morning is “Without Journalism, These Officers Would Have collectively, through even protocols of FOP, FOOLED the public through images and lies of POLICE, and would have even USED those falsifications under the trusts of innocent believing and trusting individuals to abuse, torture, extorted and would have even KILLED innocent ‘not even bothering anyone’ people.

Look 👀 Y’all the COPS are following the victims again and the victims are doing absolutely nothing. Just LOOK at the Washington DC COP CRIMEs that you thought was only in criminalized neighborhoods. Just look at this uniform wearing badged tongue 👅-wiggling COP. Would you please?

The members of the public brought to follow the victims were designed and told to do so by the COPS. Who are your murderers, killers or criminals of the earth which YOU would NOT have known if not for journalism, Terry Dwayne Ashford, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY of DaTGuY Television and DatGEETV In collaboration with DaTGuY Radio, and streetNOW TalkNOW Reporting of the attacked InDaCarSeat DaTGuY victim? Ah?

We have even the federal case document, indicating a legal suit against the Very police which you see in the evidence. The police officers are also the sabotage criminals aiming at holding the victims into one spot stalling for the time to accost that would extort the innocent person’s life.

That is the police contacting people behind the scene and getting their buy-in to sabotage collectively. The police even went behind the scene and accosted individuals on such as the “BIGO” systems used BLACK women to reach out to the professional from behind the scenes working for the crimes.

A bunch of criminal ass HOES addicted to crimes and sex. More impactful on earth than Wackers of Crackerjacks – geeking worse on a Witch’s Puff of Crack Smoke 💨 swirling in a geek monster’s delusional hallucinating psychotic little mind.

The stewards of protection in the officers are the same criminals siding by the day on the crimes that fuels world trafficking and sex and racism. The police- when you cannot distinguish between which side it is ON being told that POLICE should be on he righteous side of the constitution. The Stewards of the Sword you see in the FOP logo creates and even manages the fights that creates the needs of the public which the very police are hired and paid by the public to protect as the judicial branch of the government police appears to be defying.

Example: Click this 6 am tweet! By InDaCarSeat DaTGuY The victim.

Above is Terry Dwayne Ashford, Chief Executive of DatGEETV, DaTGuY Radio, BlabberNEWS, StreetNOW Reporting of StreetNeWS, StreetSPORTS and StreetTravel and here you have an almost identical splitting image view of Terry Dwayne Ashford’s newphew who was killed named Travis Centell Ashford-Davis. This picture of Terry Dwayne Ashford resembles in almost identical form the face of alleged killing of Travis Ashford-Davis who was born out of wedlock and defiance by the Ashford Maternal Hierarchical with a man from an opposing family schemers of crime. The child who was killed we allege was a result of backstabbers working deceit within the Ashford’s through trafficking of sex where an Ashford daughter took a bribe for a Davis criminal regime job – in exchange to backstab the mother. Through an alleged assassination of what would have been the son in between of crimes and the good, the grandson of Wilma Ashford through the daughter who tried to betray the Greenwood-Ashford for a job of the Davis’s, was killed. And this photograph of Terry Dwayne Ashford resemblance that assassination of Travis Centelle Ashford. Meanwhile this photograph is of Terry Dwayne Ashford, who is the attacked InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford, the formidable renown son of Wilma Greenwood Ashford. The schemes had designed a backstabbing of Wilma Greenwood Ashford that would have delivered a son of the backstabber that would have converted the Ashford legacy to the Davis’s the alleged criminals stalking the Wilma Greenwood-Newson-Johnson-Ashford’s. Assertion is Ashford saw the stalking by the Davis’s- who planted a PeeWee with daughter Carolyn, against Wilma’s approval. We saw the exchanges that created a Travis – who by the crime scene was aimed to overtake the original, Terry Dwayne Ashford the journalist. And from that the fraud replicated through inside deceit found a grave sooner than he could past his 18th birthday. And A little PeeWee is Six-feet or more under- while the daughter backstabbing is squashed with jail. And you play with an Ashford. With an itty-bitty police officer working for a Davis. Got the video and have that low class under raps. You play with the journalist Terry Dwayne Ashford-ahhhhhhh? Ready to DIG another grave for a HOE? We ask YOU that question. Click here for Officer Davis’s attempt harassment of InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford
Click these tweets – for more information about HOES trying the wrong FUCKERS – an “Ashford”. Tweet no 1 – https://twitter.com/ashfordlive/status/1304794203214483456?s=21 tweet no 2 https://twitter.com/datguytv/status/1304896715540045825?s=21 and tweet no. 3 – https://twitter.com/datguytv/status/1304895588857774085?s=21
https://twitter.com/ashfordlive/status/1304794203214483456?s=21 – occurred on the same day in journalistic synchronization with a strange job email from a “Monica Cortez” yielding a demand to download a strange application called “Zoom” denied by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford. Is this your idea of a FIGHT: detective in vehicle Tagged DC 8144 in the black SUV? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh? We are Ready. Citing the Hamilton Hotspot location of the reporting of the officer Davis. Picked up by the detective that followed. And the impact was on the constituency at the Hamilton Community Center where the patrons rushed away when the journalist arrived back there for the hotspot on September 12th. DatGEETV Is There! Follow me- pluck IT we might be right there embedded in the hair follicles of your eye brow. Signing InDaCarSeat DaTGuY.
Click here the image for the interactive LIVE tweets.
Terry Dwayne Ashford (above)

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