September 14, 2020 Attack Attempt by Black Woman upon Parked Vehicle brought to you by “StreetNOW News!”

By InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford



Squashed!  Let us start you off with the video report by the writer for the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Show aired on DatGEETV through DaTGuY Radio  click HERE for the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Video Reporting for DatGEETV aired through DaTGuY Radio.

In this report, the black male journalist reporter Terry DaTGuY Dwayne Ashford emphasizes a gentleman standard that has always taken the stance of no-violence “we all can get along” much less Violence to a woman, who could look like his mother.  But that professionalism will NOT be abused by Washington DC Police – or a Set of Criminals following innocent people trying to stamp power in an image. The image here is the real one – that is “I am nice yes. But I Will Kick Your Ass in defense. HOE!”

Terry Dwayne Ashford prides himself in a standard of “Never Ever Hitting A Woman”.

However, journalism has obtained knowledge that the noble stances of good innocent people is a constant target 🎯 for abuses in racism fueled by blacks attacking blacks providing the ammunition for racism seen through other races. The black racism is a black fascist behind the scene, which fuels racism “IF SEEN” on the outskirts of the targeted incident.  Those “who can’t see racism” falls within the pattern picked up by journalists, which blinds non-targets by intention using the fascism of blacks hurting and hitting on blacks for the whiter community. Who is responsible for that tragicomedy, that we have seen all along but spared in civil duties? While I have my assertions, we let you decide!

Discernment and Great Judgement will be used in all questionable incidents. However, in situations of abuse by communities that Swaps the aggression used previously of the black man – to that very same aggression using the black woman – is met with the prepared-ready and smaller InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford who – WILL VEHEMENTLY defend himself and his space.

This information should be documented for retrieving by officials when and if one of the N8GGERS try the wrong person. And that wrong one is InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford.

When have you ever seen a group of any type attack a whiter journalist broadcaster for anything professional related? InDaCarSeat DaTGuY is a black male “journalist” by profession, by scholar, by distinction, who has lived the life enhancing the role of his ultimate position. And the formidable journalist made stronger due to this revenge from even the whiter communities, will NOT accept being victimized by professional racism, socialized fascism, or by fueling from the trafficking, solicitation or prostitution of poverty in the minds of illiterate poverty-stricken blacks EVEN.

As we further explain racism vs fascism difference to the most illiterate of our communities, racism from N8GGERS used by the whiter community tries to blunt those who are as good or better than whiter FOR the white seemingly POLITICAL platforms. Inside Threats are equivalent to CyberSecurity InterRacial Threatening that may be planned by whiter communities, instructed by their leaders and then handed to the black aggressors who executes the attack plan upon the black victim using inside-threats within the black community. Our GoodLIFE response to DatLIFE bad behavior is – “No You Ain’t” simple as THAT.

We anticipate your setting up, and InDaCarSeat DaTGuY is setting up premises of defense without hesitation. N8GGERS think they are bad and has been used by H9NKYism to infringe RACISM from within the black community. While understanding the N8GGER’s plight for empowerment of financial rewards, when this N8GGER start to abuse innocent progressive Blacks, understanding but refusing participation, THAT N8gger has to be blunted in the N8GGERS’ DatLIFE actions. Wrong Person tried, and the N8GGER may well be GONE. Period. We see YOU and are waiting.

‪A Collection Community Attack Attempted to AID a Sabotaging Plot Squashed by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY of Terry Dwayne Ashford the video – ‬- and for the news article – click here And finally for other broadcasts by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford – see dat bad good guy on FM Radio by clicking here –

The Sept 14 Black Attack Report has been “Updated” by the victim, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford who is the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, son of Wilma Greenwood Ashford of Coldwater Independence Mississippi. We don’t play no Stealing of Intellectual Games with no arrogant uneducated un-prepared cop. We, as Ashford’s, do not feel the inferior entanglement that seems to have permeated the nature of national purposes of blacks in America’s for the conglomerate.

InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford steers the nation to the song introduced to the then-graduating journalist by the grace of a naval academy friend, Juan Spencer, who allegedly passed due to similar national crime. The Naval Academy Scholar purchased a flight for the then journalist student in training to come with him to WASHINGTON DC, where we walked on a summer night between the U.S. Capitol Building and the White House on the Mall of America listen a song over candlelight. That song was “Lift Every Voice and Sing”.

So, from the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford, without further ado as we display the updated “Black Attack Report by Terry Dwayne Ashford” – InDaCarSeat DaTGuY wants you to hear the class-act version of the song performed by the “Morehouse Choir” in reflection of the spiritually backed and powerfully strong BEAUTY of being a black male professional in America-much less than being a journalist broadcaster as Terry Dwayne Ashford has trained.

Don’t dare belittle my professionalism by assuming as a black man, I should be assumed a criminal.

“When the right ones are blessed, so we all are blessed” a quote from Terry Dwayne Ashford. We divert you all to the “good” of classism through this song “ “.

The state of black America report, which has been updated, has also been delivered by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford on September 15th, 2020 as StreetNOW’s “State of Black Strength in Professionalisms in America” by none other than the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford; click “ “.

“StreetNOW News” is a TaTMedia Company under the direction of InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford, citing Wilma Greenwood Ashford as the first target, which yielded her son. ME!

On the tail end of the report, StreetNOW News publishes the narrative of the broadcast delivered on September 15, 2020 by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashdford shown below:

Update of the Black State of Professionalisms in America. Click here — This production reflect and should be considered as the “State Of a Nation’s Use of Blacks in America” written, produced and voiced while the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY journalist named Terry Dwayne Ashford was forced displaced in the national Capitol of the United States of America. This update includes the edited StreetNOW News under the direction of InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford and attached the written news article, contains the professional statement, the news packaging report in video and houses the broadcast – all produced while Terry Dwayne Ashford was forced displaced in America. The production includes a national anthem and empowers viewers through the Morehouse Choir upon its performance of “Lift Every Voice And Sing”. Brought to you by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY’s StreetNOW News of DatGEETV employing DaTGuY Radio AirPlay by Terry Dwayne Ashford, Wilma Greenwood Ashford was the Target who created Terry Dwayne Ashford. In defiance of humanity and as punishment to her, my mother, the conglomerate instructed stalkers of HER and that yielded ME, as a target for the conglomerate being an offspring of their target after alleged assassination of her- as the original Targeted Diva. The force displacement was a threat to “come to us or else” by the ones who assigned tasked to Victimize Wilma Greenwood Ashford. Victimization that was to TAKE her beloved belongings in the victims face which was aimed at torturing my mom by showing HER that they could take everything she had even her children. InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford, proved the conglomerate WRONG with this “State of the Union’s Use of Blacks In America!” Report by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY’s StreetNOW News Reporting. Other reports by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY StreetNOW News includes the infamous “Healthcare Falsification and Fraud Report” using Healthcare to Lift Lives and creating Frauds walking among the culture. All produced by Terry Dwayne Ashford WHILE InDaCarSeat as DaTGuY for DatGEETV. DatGEETV is known as DaTGuY Television and partners with DaTGuY Radio AirPlay delivering the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Show housing the StreetNOW News with Terry Dwayne Ashford. Each one of the siblings had assigned one of their children to stalk the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY from the mother’s original targeting. Each one of InDaCarSeat DaTGuY siblings was to be rewarded by helping to dismiss the lives of Wilma Greenwood Ashford, and her formidable InDaCarSeat DaTGuY son: named Terry Dwayne Ashford.

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